Found In Translation
August 27th, 2015

Found In Translation

Hah! You didn’t expect to see a Lost In Translation themed comic when you woke up this morning, did you? DID YOU?! Thought so.

Anyway, I got this idea while watching “Lost In Translation” in the background while I was working. I had completely forgotten about the title screen and then there it was… Kind of emberassing. But at least noone saw it so that’s pretty lucky I guess 😛 I must admint tht I’m really happy with the way this comic came out. It’s trickier than expected to make a comic look good when the characers watch TV. For some reason.

For relaxing times, make it Suntory time!


  1. Joachim on August 28th, 2015 at 8:47

    I just keep falling in love with Scarlet each time I see that movie, and that has nothing to to with the titlescreen 😉

  2. Tobbe on September 4th, 2015 at 11:23

    Suuuure it doesn’t 😉

    Nah but Scarlet is a really great actress and she’s exceptionally great in this movie. I recently saw the movie “Her” where she’s in too and I can REALLY recommend it 🙂
