YouTube Recommendations
September 30th, 2024 — Comment

YouTube Recommendations

This one is totally not based on a real thing that happened to me… Because the Vtubers in the drama were actually French. And I’m pretty sure the video was only an hour long. I’m still quite surprised I watched the whole thing considering I know nothing about Vtubers.

Anyways! Hope you’re all doing greaet, my dudes!

Love your faces, and enjoy the upcoming autumn!

The Slacker News

 May 20th, 2019 — Comment 


It’s probably about time I’d update this section on the site. Hi! Hello! 😀

So I’ve been trying out streaming on Twitch a couple of times. I’ve got to admit that AsylumGC8 got me inspired ages and ages ago, but I decided to buy a decent mic and give it a go!

The ironic thing is that the few times I have been streaming I had to stream without the microphone because Clara’s been sleeping in the same room as me. Not the optimal time to be streaming I know but it’s better than nothing, right?

So if you want to check out my attempts of streaming in the future, you should click this link over here. Give me a follow and be sure to turn notifications on. I really appreciate that <3

When I’m not streaming I’m usually hosting a slew of amazing people that you should totally check out too!

Here are links to a few people you should check out on twitch anyway, because they are, indeed, awesome.





Go check them out and told them I said hi! <3