March 14th, 2012


 Sam has indeed gone to Australia for 6 weeks, but that was about 2 weeks ago now, so this comic is a little bit late. I wasn’t sure at first if I should make this comic, but I figured it might be a good intro for a story arch. Kind of. Sort of.


I kind of wanted to make a comic about how important it is with having friends around when you are feeling a little bit down… But then I realised that my flat mate is Cthulhu and it kind of goes downhill from there :p


Useless Trivia: The  background in the first two frames actually is taken from Arlanda – Stockholm Airport. But the only way to actually go there would be for me to sneak past security. Moahaha! 🙂


Anyway, I am off to keep drawing some more. But hope you guys enjoyed this one 🙂 And don’t worry. Sam will be back before you know it!


P.s. Nothing has been edited in either this text or the comic because… You know… My editor is down under :p


  1. Diane on March 15th, 2012 at 10:33

    Ha ha Tobbe, I am sure Cthulhu made it with love too ;P Lovely pictures! There is real feeling, especially in the first two frames.

  2. Andreas Svalås on March 16th, 2012 at 13:08

    Tänkte direkt på morfar och “en skit på en pinne” 😀

  3. Tobbe on March 19th, 2012 at 20:29

    Hehe. Nu när du säger det så… Det är svårt att inte dra den parallelen nu 😀
