Romance In Ravenholm
March 10th, 2011

Romance In Ravenholm

Ah, romance is in the air in Ravenholm. And then fucking Gordon Freeman turns up and everything just comes crashing down. How typical 😛


I got the idea for this comic a few weeks back when I was reading another webcomic about the Half-Life 2 universe. And I am sure a lot of you people already know about it. It’s called “Concerned – The half-life and death of Gordon Frohman“. And damn it was funny 🙂 It really shows the events in Half-life 2 in a  very different light compared to the actual game. And it had something that many other webcomics don’t have. An end!

Anyway, I started thinking about Ravenholm. The town in the game that has been infested with Zombies for ages. Now, my main thought was “What if the Zombies still continued their everyday life, even if they now are zombies? Maybe Gordon Freeman is the actual monster?” And well that’s how this comic came to be 🙂


Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed drawing it! Now I am off to try to draw some new comics for you guys for St.Patrick’s day! 🙂 But I’ll see you guys later!
