Tattooed Boobies! – No Comic Today

There will be no new comic today, sence since I only got about 2 hours of sleep last night, and that didn’t really help the creative process. Well it kind of did, sence since it gave me a new idea for a comic, about the consequences of my lack of sleep. But it won’t be up until Saturday. So today it will be a No-Comic-Here-Are-Boobies-Picture. And yes, from now on I’ll be writing in English “down here” as well, so that people don’t need to go though Google-translate-hell to understand what I mean.

Anyways. Enjoy everyone. I am going back to bed!

Edit: There! You happy now?! 🙂


  1. Sam on October 9th, 2009 at 6:39

    Awesome Tobbe 😀 Google translate= FAIL 😛 “…content with nice tits to look at…” 😉 You really should get more sleep sir! haha 🙂

  2. Benny on October 9th, 2009 at 8:44

    “since, not sense” 🙂 and make sure you get more rest, i wanna see more comics 😉 hehe se till o sova ut nu jag vill ha stripp.. umm.. stripp…umm serier :p hehe

  3. Jbox on October 9th, 2009 at 8:52

    You should’ve also added a tattoo on the bird 😉

  4. Sam on October 9th, 2009 at 16:34

    Aren’t you proud of the teacher in me resisting the urge to correct hehe 😉 Hey we get a translation…I’m happy & your English is awesome 😀 I think it’s talented that Swedish people can speak English so well 🙂
    You know I love your comics & the ‘Boobies’ fill in haha 😛
