July 7th, 2013


So not much of a joke this time around, but since Sam and I have been together for four years AND I had to give you guys the news that we are having a baby. I figured “two birds with one stone” 🙂

Anyways. Yeah we are having an awesome baby girl, and it’s gonna be awesome! Don’t worry though. I’ll still indoctrinate her with everything Star Wars, Star Trek and Transformers 😛

Also four years… Wow. That is just freakin’ awsome 🙂 Here’s for another four years 🙂 And then another four… And another 😛

Anyways. Now you guys have been updated about that. I’ll post a new comic next Wednesday. See ya!

1 Comment

  1. Sam on July 12th, 2013 at 13:07

    Best years of my life so far…being with you 😀 <3
